Difference in american spirits
Difference in american spirits

Red & brown Virginias fill in the middle ground of the Virginia spectrum.With a little practice and gentle smoking, you will be rewarded with a complex, subtle and gentle tobacco. Pressing into a flake, thicker cuts or even sliced twist help reduces the heat. The light nature of the tobacco makes for easy combustion, but can burn hot if smoked too fast or poorly packed. A skilful blender can produce tobaccos with honey and citrus flavours, naturally. A mixture of flue cured, or bright Virginias, create a light and sweet tobacco, often with a hay or grassy flavour.The tobaccos are subjected to heat short durations produce a light (in strength & colour) and sweet tobacco, whereas longer periods produce a darker, stronger and less sweet leaf. Gold, red & brown Virginia tobaccos are flue cured. Virginia is one of the most versatile varieties of tobacco there are so many different characteristics which can be achieved through curing and other processes they were originally cultivated by the native North Americans, and this tobacco can be light & sweet or strong & earthy.

difference in american spirits

With the purity laws in place in order to produce complex and unique tastes, unflavoured blends can often contain exotic spice leaves as well as the common Virginias & Burleys. This often saw the smoker having to dry out the tobacco which would only leave a very small amount of tobacco they could actually smoke. As the story goes, many small manufacturers would produce tobaccos with high ratios of wet flavourings and sell them by weight.

difference in american spirits

These were once called ‘English’ blends as a result of the old purity laws imposed on English manufacturers as only natural flavourings such as rum, whisky, Port, floral oils and spices were permitted in regulated doses. We can then therefore, divide them up even further based on the aforementioned tobaccos used, processing methods and flavouring. Although this is great for simple classification, it still doesn’t reveal much about the tobacco blend itself. The most basic form has split the tobaccos as Flavoured (Aromatics) or Unflavoured (often called English blends). To help identify the difference from the natural smoky, earthy English blends, to the sweet and creamy American aromatics Different blends are classified, based on the composition, curing methods and flavouring these classifications can be as complex as you want, or as simple. Over the years different regions developed their own styles due to available tobaccos and flavourings, just like wines and spirits however, nowadays these traditional styles are produced all over the world.

difference in american spirits

Today we have a rich and diverse range of tobaccos from around the world. Pipe tobaccos come in vast array of styles and flavours this is the result of centuries of cultivation, fermentation and experimentation.

Difference in american spirits