The lid of a dye container seems to indicate some things about the type of dye:.Dyes with a small blue orb in their icon have a unique animation.Claus Heels, will not dye properly with a basic dye but will take on the desired color when a combination that features Silver Dye is applied. Some white-/silver-colored clothing items, such as the Mrs.Compound Dyes, however, override an armor's color completely, so they do not have the same problem.
This means that armor and clothing that are dull in color, such as Ninja set, Necro armor, and Reaper set are relatively unaffected by these dyes.
Basic and Combined Dyes only affect the hue of an armor's color, but not the saturation level (i.e. Enemy-dropped dye crafting materials cannot be placed (Red/Cyan/Violet Husks, Purple Mucus, Black Ink). When they are placed, they occupy space as one tile, even though most of them look larger or taller than one tile (same happens to Strange Plants). Orange Bloodroot must be hung from the underside of any block. Green and Teal Mushrooms, as well as the Sky Blue Flower, can be placed on any blocks. as decoration) excluding the Pink Prickly Pear. The dye crafting materials found naturally-placed can be placed again manually by players (e.g. When transformed into a werewolf or a merfolk by the Neptune's Shell, Moon Charm, Moon Shell, or Celestial Shell any dye placed in the dye slots will color the werewolf or merfolk form's head, torso, and legs as if they are vanity items. This allows for interesting dye/hair dye colors, effects and combinations. If the dye has effects, like the Bloodbath Dye, for example, will give the player the special effects (your hair will have blood drip from it, in the Bloodbath Dye's case). The Familiar Wig, on the other hand, will change the appearance of the player's hair, when dyed. The colors shown when wearing the Familiar set can be changed using a Dresser instead.
All vanity items will benefit from dye, except for the Familiar shirt and pants.Strange Dyes have varying degrees of visibility in complete darkness. Note that Strange Plants only begin growing in Hardmode. Dyes with a rarity level of Orange or Cyan can only be awarded in a Hardmode world even if strange plants are somehow obtained in pre-hardmode. These dye are given as quest rewards by the Dye Trader in exchange for Strange Plants.